Need of Quality Management System

 Need of Quality Management System :To begin with, let us consider life cycle of any new organisation. A proprietor starts with his new venture in form of formation of new organisation. He/she may start it by his/her own or by with help of partners. We are considering here proprietor firm or partnership firm. 

In mean course of time, the organisation starts working, either providing services to customers ,clients or start manufacturing some products. As the key persons involved in the organisation including owner or founder knows all of the processes needed to give desired output , no need arises of any other input. But remember that the organisation is small enough and only a very few persons are involved in organisation. 

After initial success of first project or say after smooth run of the organisation for some continuous months or a year , the owner / founder naturally want to explore new areas somewhat similar to present ongoing job. We say here , he / She wants to expand his / her business. 'Expanding business' is a act that has to carried out by without disturbance to present set up. At this stage ,m any a times , owner or founder give try to use the present set up for new work. If the new work is temporary, it stresses the present set up for some time. But if the new work is going to last for longer time, the stress will be high on the present manpower. In that case , sensible founder may recruit new manpower but what happens if he / she  does not recruit new manpower for separate assignments ? Under that pressure , usual human tendency starts showing its sign. Signs includes but not limited to use of short cuts to finish work, to ignore some work under pretext of some fragile reasons, to leave the organisation , to expect very high payment rise and so on....

Finally , fonder realizes the situation and he / she came to know that he / she has to make innervations with help of HR manager . HR manager establishes system that takes care of manpower. But still there are many things to take care of ! As there are many new faces in organisation now, need arises to follow same protocol by each and every employee. Some of quality related problems in rendered service or delivered products arise by sheer misunderstanding , miscommunication...This misunderstanding, miscommunication and state of understanding of any issue differently across all employees ultimately either affects quality of service/product or servicing time/delivery period. By using some quick way outs, the problem is eliminated but only for a short span. After some duration, again problems posed in different forms.

The organisation has to struggle itself to keep daily routine smoothly rather than exploring new business areas.

Under that situation one robust quality management system is needed. An organisation can draft its own quality management system provided that customer/client has no objection or no specific requirement. Examples of specific requirement by clients :-

1. Relatives of patients are interested in admitting in hospital that has provision of  'Special Ward' than hospital that have 'Semi Wards' or 'General Wards' only. Here relatives have specific requirement. 

2. Car manufacture company want their different part suppliers to have at least  ISO/TS 16949 certification 

3. Customers coming to a hotel , wants to have some isolated place for their families in order to take taste of different eatables / meals/ dinners rather than mixing with general public.

4. When someone visits new big multi-storeyed shopping mall , he / she may expect someone from mall should explain him in nutshell where ( at exact what location/section/floor) he / she can get  his/her desired items to purchase, instead of wondering here and there.

These are customer requirement. So in order to provide service to customer properly, one needs QMS that addresses to all and many points mentioned herewith. 

This concludes that , the organisation that want to grow smoothly and efficiently, there should be a QMS (Quality Management Service ) in place.

Hope I tried to brief importance of QMS. If you have some points, please do ask. Thanks.


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