
Showing posts from 2021

Small , CNC Machine shop Housekeeping and Involvement of Quality department (Part 1)

Hi all !  🙏 Today I am going to talk to you about Housekeeping practices in micro to small machine shops and how it is related to Q.A                                                                                                                               (Photo credit :- iStock) For quality assurance , company should also keep shop floor neat and clean. Why ? ... Let's say , there is a messy arrangement of jobs ...finished jobs and reworked jobs kept side by side without any identification.. As a matter of fact, the chances of mixing rework job and finished job get increased by many folds...THIS SITUATION IS ABSOLUTLY NOT DESIRABLE FOR QUAL...

Ground Level Quality (GLQ)

  Ground Level Quality (GLQ)                                         (  Photo Credit: Photo by Pratik Gupta & Unsplash  ) What is Ground Level Quality ? The term is related to   pseudo  conception among workers/operators/shop floor supervisor and any person doing mostly their work on actual shop floor rather than in an isolated or remote office. The term is something misleading and it exists because of lack of proper training or improper  implementation of quality management system. When Ground Level Quality exists, it means that the organisation management has failed to implement the management system and has not reached to the ground level product inspection difficulties or misconception. When does Ground Level Quality originate ? For micro to small industries :- In case if Director / Owner /M.D fails to study in details  ground level worker ...

Quality point of view for Patient feedback

                                                                 (Photo Credit    It is not easy to catch correct feedback of patient at the time of discharge. And correct feedback is       essential for our system on proper track. The onus lies on quality personnel to check if the feedback is taken on correct note. Here is a simple sample checklist marking system to scrutinize feedback form. (Checklist & Marking by VPQMS) 1) Who has given feedback ? : By Patient himself or by relative  a)  If possible ,Patient has given feedback with fully   conscious  condition           4 Points.     b) If  Patient relative has given feedback but Patient is  aware of it.             ...

End Of Life Care ( EOLC)

                                                              (Photo credit :Pixabay) A Stage in one patients life may come, when he/she does not respond to further medical treatment in positive manner. It means that, no chance of recovery or return to normalcy gets noticed even if very special, personal and precise treatment is going on.  Even changing course of clinical treatment by specialised doctors do not have any positive impact on patient's health. EOLC , that is End of Life Care , comes handy and very useful at this situation. The basic aim of EOLC is to reduce pain considerably, to reduce unnecessary burden of medical treatment and to guide patient to his /her Natural death by peaceful and calm manner and surrounded by his /her relatives/near and dear ones instead of comparatively unknown persons including unnecessary h...

Organisational Culture & Quality management

Each Organisation has its own culture , means its own working / Operating style . This has lot to do with quality management system of the organisation. This style decides the extent to how much quality management system has to be in place. (Photo Credit:  RODNAE Productions  from  Pexels ) For Micro to small scale industries , it largely depends on the mind set of owner/partner/founder of the organisation. I have seen many small organisation owner wanted to have good quality management system in place in their organisation. But many a time, he or she don't know how to achieve it , still he or she strives a lot to achieve it. On the other hand, one small organisation that has potential to go to top level in terms of profit may ignore or missing the term ' Organisational Culture'..  In case of middle type organisation, it depends mainly on two to three trust worthy senior level employees. We can call them as a key persons. And of course it depends on quality departmen...

Need of Quality Management System

  Need of Quality Management System : To begin with, let us consider life cycle of any new organisation. A proprietor starts with his new venture in form of formation of new organisation. He/she may start it by his/her own or by with help of partners. We are considering here proprietor firm or partnership firm.  In mean course of time, the organisation starts working, either providing services to customers ,clients or start manufacturing some products. As the key persons involved in the organisation including owner or founder knows all of the processes needed to give desired output , no need arises of any other input. But remember that the organisation is small enough and only a very few persons are involved in organisation.  After initial success of first project or say after smooth run of the organisation for some continuous months or a year , the owner / founder naturally want to explore new areas somewhat similar to present ongoing job. We say here , he / She wants to...